Snowflake Malamutes is pleased to present Snowflake Malamutes RESCUE:


starting from 2020, Snowflake Malamutes engages in a new RESCUE program. The idea for this project comes from our necessity and desire to help Snowflake Malamutes that have been abandoned by their families. Indeed, we have been noticed that a conspicuous number of our malamutes have been left in dogs kennels: at the moment we cannot host them, thus we have been looking for a new way to help them. We came up with the idea of creating a new space inside our property dedicated to these malamutes. 

This project aims at a rehabilitation of the malamutes that have been abandoned, they will then be host at Snowflake again: these malamutes will stay with us temporarily, the necessary amount of time that they will need to be physically rehabilitated and re-educated.  Afterwards they will be adopted by families that are ready to take them and give them a new happy life. 


Therefore, we kindly ask you to let us know if there are some of our dogs left in dog kennels. 

For info: Federica - 3398741888